Trent Wallis Photography


Festival of Sporting Cars, Bathurst

by on Apr.14, 2009, under Circuit racing, Historics

A mostly overcast and sometimes wet Bathurst played host to the Festival of Sporting Cars over the Easter long weekend at the famous Mount Panorama circuit. I teamed up with Nathan Wong from Speedshots to cover this event; all of our photos will be up at in the next few days. Here are some of my favourites in the meantime!

1966 U2 Ford Clubman negotiates the Esses.

Got rust? 🙂 1946 Allard K1 Sports in the Dipper.

Saturday afternoon got wet…

Mini fanging it through the Dipper!

Flaming Rexy in the Esses.

Rexy plunges into Sulman Park.

Murray’s corner never disappoints!

More mini action at the Dipper.

Lots of standing water at the apex of Murray’s corner on Sunday afternoon.

Lots of front left brake lockups at the Dipper!

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