Trent Wallis Photography

Circuit racing

NSW Motor Race Championships Round 4, Eastern Creek

by on Jul.15, 2009, under Circuit racing

Round 4 of the NSW Motor Race Championship was held on July 4-5 at Eastern Creek in cool but fine conditions. Good to see new machinery coming out to play in many classes!

Click here for the full gallery from the event!

Troy Green gets loose coming off turn 8.

Then gets hit by a similarly sideways Les Buckley.

Messy aftermath.

Darren Saillard flames it up at turn 7.

Michael Kinsella gives it a dab of oppo. 😀

Harmo gets ‘flame of the week’ honours!

Aaron Russell before race 2.

Greg Hartnett approaches turn 8.

Glyn Edis’ Radical SR3 RS

Unloaded wheel locks up!

Scott Bingham and Mark Laucke discuss the finer points of DNF-ing Race 1.

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